In Memory
John Gordon Bennett
August 22, 1962 - May 8,2020

John lived his life sunny side up, and those who have had the good fortune to have worked with him, or to have known him personally, no doubt spent a lot of time laughing. This was certainly true for us, painfully so making it so hard to grasp how such a light-hearted, joyful person had to leave so soon.
I personally met John on a movie set more than a decade ago. He was a sound man and I was the unit still photographer. It took little time to get lured into John's psyche via his clever impersonations, spot-on accents, and jokes around the craft service table. It wasn't long before we were scrambling around Mexico in the dead heat of summer following Jason around in a small car loaded with equipment and steamy windows from laughing so hard. John didn't shy from adventure and was always game for another discovery or another good meal. When a cenote swim was on our agenda, we managed to film what we needed in short order so as not to miss that opportunity. His moods only dampened when a stray cat crossed our path, which there were many, and John saw to it that every single one got a meal.
Film festivals were made all the merrier when John was along. He charmed our hosts, loved the festivities, and exploring the small towns which often meant rock shops or strolling along lake beds looking for rocks. We had so much fun. John called me his "straight wife" and I called him my "gay husband."
Our second film took us to faraway places like Borneo, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. At this point, Eric, Matt, and my husband joined us. We pinched ourselves all of the time as we had front row seats to some of the most interesting and fun adventures like following Willie around the orangutan jungles of Borneo which John absolutely loved. Traveling was one of his great passions which he embraced at every opportunity.
Not only was John a skilled sound man, but he was a gifted piano player and music composer which he created in his own studio with his beloved cat Sid perched nearby. His original music has been used in numerous films over the years.
John took a huge chunk of sun with him in his departure, his warm rays shining on us with each invaluable memory. What a great pleasure and privilege it was to have known such a unique human being with such a big happy heart. Sending love to you John wherever you are!